Monday, October 18, 2010

The Truth on How to Lose Weight Fast

By  Zirah Mendez

More and more people now a days are getting fat or on the way of being fat. Obesity is a serious problem and everyone must not take it lightly.How to Lose Weight Fast is not an easy task.
 You must be dedicated and sincere on taking this task. Losing weight is not for the weak mind but it is for the strong heart. There are so many ways on How to Lose Weight Fast. To generalize it all, there are only 5 to 6 basic ways on losing that unwanted weight. Here are the basic tips on How to Lose Weight Fast that you could find in almost all guides or tips on losing weight.

    Drinking of water. We drink water everyday but we drink less because of sodas, wines or champagne. Drinking water for at least 8 to 10 glasses a way would really help you in losing your weight. Not only that it refreshes the body and keeps it away from getting dry. It also cleanses our body by flushing away the unwanted toxins in our body that can cause us to gain more weight.

    Eat more healthy foods. You must see the reality that you cannot lose weight if you keep eating unhealthy foods. Change the foods you eat. Eat more vegetables and fruits it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and other micro nutrients that our body needs. Plan your meals for the week and follow the plans. People think that eating fruits after a meal is good but actually it makes us hungry more faster. The best way is to eat it before a meal so that it will make us more full faster.

    Eat more often. This doesn't mean that you have to eat 6 large meals a day. This includes you 3 meals and some snacks. Eating more often keeps you stomach guessing on when is the next meal, thus it keeps working and burning the calories in your body and it increases your metabolism rate. On you snacks have some unsalted peanuts, fruits, carrot sticks or any healthy snacks that you can find.
    Have a regular exercise. You can eat your way out of obesity but it can take some time to see the effect. Having a great exercise regime could hasten the effects. For a start have a 30 minute workout every morning. Run on a tread mill. This can keep your body in shape and burns some calories as well. For a much effective approach do your work outs before you eat your breakfast. When our we move our body it burns the calories to turn it into energy, but when you haven't eaten anything the body will burn the stored fats in your body and turn it into energy.

    These are the usual methods that you could find in almost all of the articles and books on How to Lose Weight Fast. Mind you that it is not an overnight drill. You didn't gain that much weight overnight so don't expect to lose it at that rate. It takes hard work and dedication on trying to lose that unwanted weight. Keep you goals in mind so that you won't stray on the things that you want to achieve.

Click Here To Know More About The Truth On How To Lose Weight Fast

Zirah is a aspiring model. She uses []Anti Aging Products to keep her looks more younger. She loves to go shopping and travels anywhere she likes. Usually she spends most of her time on taking care of her body to make her look younger. She is taking a program on How to Lose Weight Fast so that she could have that perfect slender body.

Article Source: [] The Truth on How to Lose Weight Fast

Friday, October 15, 2010

How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off

By Daniel Major
If you want to know how to lose weight fast, there are numerous methods and diet plans that you could follow that would help you achieve your goal, some of them much quicker than others. Some of the more commonly known methods used to lose weight fast are;

The cabbage soup diet: Although this diet is extremely effective, especially if your objective is to lose weight fast, it can be somewhat repetitive and continuously consuming cabbage does have an adverse effect on the pungency of the air that surrounds some individuals, another plus is that it is extremely cheap too.

The Lemonade Diet: Again very effective if you are looking to lose weight fast, not quite as unpleasant on the smelly side as the cabbage diet is, but prolonged use of this diet has been known to have adverse side effects with regard to mood swings, so the best advice would have to be to only use this one in short sharp weight loss bursts.

Fasting: Abstaining from eating will obviously achieve a rapid reduction in weight but is not a very well thought of method of rapid weight loss and the immediate effects can be undone very quickly once the fasting has stopped, and normal eating is resumed as by that time the body has adjusted to survive on fewer calories so you will actually start to gain weight the second you start eating.

Some people would say a sudden burst of consistent exercise will help you lose weight fast, but few people are aware that exercise, although extremely important for your health and well being, only accounts for 20% of your weight loss, the remaining 80%  can only be achieved by radically changing what we eat and the way we eat it.

So, there you have it, three examples of how to lose weight fast. OK, so maybe they were not the best three methods available or the three that you might have chosen, but you see that's the thing about losing weight and the perpetual battle we all face day in and day out with our fluctuating poundage!

We have all tried diet after diet and have all battled to find the answer to how to lose weight fast, but we also know that what works for our best friend might not work for us; but the truth of the matter is your weight is dictated by one thing and one thing alone, calories.

If your body consumes more calories than it burns, the excess will be stored and will eventually turn to fat; on the other hand if you burn more calories than you consume then your weight will go down, it's basic Physics really.

So, How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off Then.

I would have to say that although I have lost weight using many different methods and diets one of the healthiest and appealing ways I have found that enables me to lose weight fast and maintain continuous weight loss is a method called calorie shifting.

This method uses different foods at different times to trick the body's metabolism into burning calories it hasn't eaten and it is a very effective method for rapid fat loss and when used alongside exercise can have even more dramatic results and in a very short time indeed.

See what programs can show you []How to Lose Weight Fast and take action to improve your health and weight at []

Article Source: [] How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Lose Weight Fast - Basic Guide

By Zirah Mendez
Obesity is a big problem today. It is very big that it even has it own reality show on fat people trying to lose weight as much as they can. Participants on those reality shows are guided with the help of health professionals and they work hard for them to succeed in the show. For people who doesn't have the opportunity to be in that situation, have to lose there weight on their own. It is hard of others to start a losing weight regime for themselves. How to Lose Weight Fast is not an easy task. If you are looking for easy and basic ways to lose weight, here are some basic guides that could help you.

For a start you gain to much weight because of what you eat. You can never get rid of those extra weight overnight. You did not gain them in the rate, so shouldn't think that you could lose it that fast. Change the foods that you eat. That is the best way to stop gaining weight. Eat more healthy and nutritious food. Eat lean meat like fish, chicken, eat, beans and other. Include fruits and vegetables in your meal. They are very rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that our body needs. Everywhere you can see that fruits are eaten as a dessert of after a meal. The downside of it is that eating fruits after a meal could make you hungry much faster. The solution is that you should eat fruits before a meal. Not only that it is very nutritious it makes you full faster and that is a good thing because you could only eat a small amount of the main course. How to Lose Weight Fast requires you to be more cautious on what you eat.
Plan your meals ahead. Create a healthy meal plan that is good for a week of eating. It is better to cook your own food rather than buying from restaurants or fast food chains. Create a 5 to 6 meals a day. This doesn't mean that you double the amount you eat but this is compose of your 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks. Eating more often keeps the body guessing on when the next meal is. In that case it burns the calories in the body continuously. Most tips that you can see on How to Lose Weight Fast requires you to diet. If you starve the body, it will make you eat more on the next meal then stores the food that you eat and turn it into fats, preparing it self for another starvation. Thus diet plans usually fail because of this.

Eating healthy is start but combining it with a daily exercise is much better. This is a very good combination on How to Lose Weight Fast. We should accept the fact that you could only lose weight if you really work hard on it by eating healthy and living healthy. That means a lot of exercise. For starters you should start on a 30 minute exercise everyday. You could do exercises that could tone the whole body or you could just run on a tread mill for 30 minutes. Increase the time you do your exercise for 5 to 10 minutes a day. You will be just surprise that in 2 weeks you are already doing your exercise for over an hour. For a much effective way. Do your exercise before eating your breakfast and after eating your dinner.

How to Lose Weight Fast takes time, dedication and effort. After you have achieved you goals. Do not stop there and go back to your old ways. Maintain what you do. Aim for higher goals. Having a healthy body is a great wealth that you could own.


Zirah is a aspiring model. She uses []Anti Aging Products to keep her looks more younger. She loves to go shopping and travels anywhere she likes. Usually she spends most of her time on taking care of her body to make her look younger. She is taking a program on How to Lose Weight Fast so that she could have that perfect slender body.

Article Source: [

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Can I Lose Weight - Sensibly, Safely and Permanently?

By Polly Standish

Everyone wants everything now...not tomorrow, not next week, but now. That includes weight loss. Nothing worthwhile comes easily.

you need to work at it and give it time. Your body uses calories as a car uses gas. It uses calories at the rate of 3500cal/lb of fat. To lose this weight you need to take in less calories and allow the body to use the calories it already has stored.

Is it easy? No. Can you do it? Yes. And you can lose weight insensibly and safely. You can lose it permanently. In almost every case of someone being overweight a new mindset toward food and learning a new way to move that body is required to effectively lose weight.

Mind over matter?

That is not an easy thing to master but you can do it. After all food is just that, food... a source of energy for your body

Losing weight requires two things - sensible eating and sensible exercising.

Exercise can be in any stage whether it be walking once a day or three times a day or going through a mild workout daily or weekly. Whatever you decide. The body needs to move to lose the energy it has already stored in it.

There are many diets out there to follow and after a while they all become boring and old and dull. It is much easier to use common sense when eating and calling on will power. Don't store those high calorie foods in the food pantry. Leave them on the store shelves.

Quick weight loss is not a healthy goal. Usually losing weight fast means losing muscle and water. You need muscle to keep your metabolism elevated. The more muscle tissue you lose the less calories you can take in daily without gaining more weight. It is much healthier to lose 1-2 pounds a week than 6 or 7. Remember, one pound requires using 3500 calories. If you take in 250 calories less each day and burn off 250 a day with exercise you will lose one pound a week.

Mind over matter is not as easy task but definitely possible and definitely self-satisfying once mastered.

There are also many exercise machines on the market. which all promise to work wonders for your body. They too become boring and dull after using a while and soon sit in the corner idle. How much better to get out of bed in the morning and do twenty "pushups" from the edge of your dresser. That will give you the start you need. Soon you will be doing thirty, then fifty. Soon you will be trying the real thing -pushups on the floor.

Exercise energizes your body. Try it. The blood flows faster. The mind is clearer and you feel good.

It can even be addicting and that is not a bad thing.

Most importantly, have patience with yourself. If you really want to lose weight and keep it off it will take that new mindset, one that says "I am tired of being overweight. It is silly to be overweight and that's all there is to it." Once that thought becomes real within you you will lose weight. But give it time
     ==> Click here to know how to lose weight  fast <==

You can lose weight. Make that effort and do it, sensibly, safely and permanently.

If you feel you need a boost to get you started ... preview   rel=nofollow []this great guide to a fun can do diet for everyone.

Article Source: [

Friday, October 1, 2010

How to Lose Weight Fast With These 6 Tips

By Cheow Yu Yuan

One of the most common New Year resolutions is to know how to lose weight fast, so as to have a slimmer and sexier body. To lose weight fast and obtain a nice figure, it is no lofty ambition. Many people have already successfully lost weight and made their physiques look healthy and desirable.

Some people do not have the patience to wait for 6 months to successfully lose those extra pounds. But to lose weight fast and effectively, an over-weight should draft out a weight loss regime and stick religiously to it. Moreover, he or she needs to change four aspects of life: what to eat, how to eat, the behavior and activity level.

Let us get into discussion 6 tips that you can use to get rid of your extra pounds:

1.     Design a weight loss plan which consists of the right mindset and exercise.

 Begin by learning what a good diet plan consists of. Then, incorporate an exercise plan that allows at least 20 minutes a day. The best exercise to lose weight extremely fast is to slow jog for at least 45 minutes every day.

2.     Set realistic goals.

To lose weight fast and effectively, you need have a positive mindset and focus your mind solely on getting rid of those extra pounds. Set realistic targets and work your way to it. With discipline and hard work, you will be able to see result very soon.

3.     Eat more vegetables and fruits.

One reason why you develop a tummy is that the food remained in your stomach undigested for a long time. Before the food is digested, you eat again. This causes your tummy to grow bigger everyday. Therefore, eat more fibers and fruits to digest the food that you eat fast. This will make your stomach stay in shape as well as make you healthier.

4.     Take small servings of meal.

Skipping meals is a bad way to lose fat. When you skip meal, you go hungry and your body will convert the food left into fats and store it for energy. Instead of skipping meal, take small servings of meal every day. By not skipping the essential 3 meals everyday, it also makes you healthier and more energetic for the day.

5.     Keep away from fried foods.

Fried foods contain great amount of fats. Therefore, it is recommended for you NOT to take fried food if you want to lose weight fast. Go for lighter food with vegetables and end each meal with a fruit serving.

6.     Drink enough water everyday.

Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday keeps your body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, your body must stay hydrated. Do not take soft drink often as soft drink consists of a lot of sugar and fats.

All in all, to lose weight effectively and fast, consistency and discipline is still the key to success. Good dieting and consistent exercise will result in faster weight loss than you can ever imagine.

Do you want more effective tips to lose weight faster? Get more effective tips to lose weight from my website below now...

Click Here --> More Effective Tips To []Lose Weight Faster here

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How to Lose Weight Fast and Burn More Fat

By Nathan Hamaluik

Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet. You can lose weight however. You can also lose weight fast. You should remember that you should never lose weight too quickly. If you lose more than five pounds a week it could be unhealthy.

So, how to lose weight fast? You should first sit down and put your goals on paper. Start a weight diary. You need to think about how much weight you want to try and lose. You also need to think about how fast you want to lose the weight. Be realistic. The worst thing you can do is set unrealistic goals. You must incorporate an exercise program into your diet plan.

Exercise is the key to the success of any diet. If a diet program does not encourage you to exercise while using the diet you should not use it. You will be dissatisfied. There are a few common sense things you can do to kick start your diet program. These are:

* Exercise: You must perform this task. Even if it is just walking briskly three times a week. Some people have trouble with exercise. Do whatever you can, just move. Walk to the mail box. Next time walk a little farther. Exercise is the number one thing you "MUST" do for any diet program to be a success.

* Water: You can increase your water intake. None of us drink enough water. It is the same for our breathing. None of us breathe in as deeply as we should. Drink as much water as you can. Obviously, do not overdue it. Get you a water bottle and keep it full all day. Before a meal, drink a full glass of water. This will help fill up your stomach and you will not eat as much.

* Breathing: We do not breathe as we should. Each breath should be as deep as it possibly can be. When we breathe in a shallow manner our blood is not fully oxidized. This can lead to muscle tension because only the major organs get fully oxygenated blood. You should practice breathing. Sit in a chair and breathe in deeply. Count backwards from 100 to 0. With each breath you should tell yourself you are getting more relaxed. You will probably be asleep before you hit zero. That is o.k. Pick a color, any color. This color is your reminder to breath throughout the day. Whenever you see those colors remind yourself to breath properly.

These tips can help you lose weight fast. These are tips you can use without buying anything. You can start today. The relaxation and breathing techniques help your metabolism, as does exercise. How to lose weight fast? By using common sense and changing the way you live. Change your diet, your lifestyle. You do not need to buy a diet plan or product to start losing weight. You can start by using the common sense tips we have talked about here. These tips will get you started. How to lose weight fast is a question you must temper with common sense. If you try to lose weight to fast you may fail. This failure will do more damage to your body. You should do everything possible to succeed. You should have a plan and a support group. Your family and friends are a big part of your weight loss success. You should include them in your plans. Make them aware of what you are doing so they can offer support. This support is often the difference between success and failure. You can do it.

Problem: Lose Weight Fast. Solution: []Fat Loss 4 Idiots Many of my clients found this diet plan so effective that they lost twice as much weight as they originally hoped to with JUST the fat loss 4 idiots meal plan and online diet generator. []Here's how they kept that weight off and why you will too! when you're there make sure you scroll down to the bottom and find out how to get your 5 free weight loss products designed for faster fat loss.

Article Source: [

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to Lose Weight Fast - The Secrets

By Richard Adams

The biggest challenge in terms of how to lose weight fast is having the discipline that such a process requires.

Losing weight over a long period of time isn't too difficult. Naturally you will lose more weight some weeks than others but over the months you will see a general downward trend in your body weight and fat reserves.

The odd snack or missed exercise session due to bad weather, tiredness or just plain laziness isn't the end of the world looking at weight loss over the long term. So long as you get back up again and get on with things at the next available opportunity you should be fine.

Losing weight fast is a different matter.

Every single thing you do has an effect. Every meal must be totally healthy. Every workout session must be completed accurately. No slip ups are permissible.

Also, bear in mind that some doctors will warn against rapid weight loss, classing it as unhealthy for you and that you should lose weight at a more leisurely pace.

With these warnings out of the way however, let's take a look at a process that will enable you to lose weight fast if you're able to stick to it.

Whilst some people have success losing weight either by controlling their diet or by increasing their exercise, for best best chances of fast weight loss I would encourage you to do both.

Firstly the nutrition element.

Having tried all sorts of different diets over the years, the best results I have seen involve cutting carbs out of the diet almost entirely. Instead, the diet consists mainly of meat, vegetables and salads, and some dairy products. Think of it as a low fat Atkins diet of primarily protein and complex carbohydrates.

So breakfast might be grilled turkey bacon, scrambled eggs and mushrooms.

Lunch might be a green salad with strips of chicken and chopped soft-boiled eggs.

Dinner could be a steak with leeks and a creamy sauce.

All these meals are tasty and reasonably healthy and will help you to lose weight fast.

There are, of course, only so many combinations of meat and vegetables that once can make so experiment with adding different herbs and spices to your meat in order to change the flavour somewhat so keeping things interesting but adding few extra calories.

In terms of exercise, aim to get some exercise very day if possible. Six days a week with one day off to recover seems to work well too.

Aim to jog, cycle, row etc. for 30-60 minutes per session - the longer the better - at such an intensity that it's hard work and you end up red-faced and sweating.

Combine these two simple elements of diet and exercise with your own strong self discipline and you'll be well on track to losing weight fast.

For complete diet and exercise plans to show you how to lose weight fast [] a great free resource is []

Article Source: [

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Lose Weight Fast at Any Age

By Tracey J May

Now that I know how weight loss really works, I can lose it fairly quickly when I want to. However, it wasn't always that way. Sometimes it took me months to lose about one pound. That's because I had no idea how fast weight loss really worked. For example, I thought that if I just went hungry, that would cause quick fat loss.

However, I didn't know that caused my body to go into "survival mode" where it tried to hang on to as much body fat as possible. So yes, there are ways to lose weight quickly other than going hungry. However, many people go about them all wrong. First there is no such thing as a fast weight loss shortcut. You can try a bogus body wrap, sweat suit, etc, but with these all you loose is water weight.

You can also try to use other useless fast weight loss shortcuts like diet pills, herbs, teas, patches, lotions muscle contractors, etc.- but again, all that's going to happen is you're going to waste money and time- time you could be spending losing weight quickly the way it works in reality.

If your skeptical about weight loss shortcuts not working because all the advertising says they do work, just remember this: Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese, while spending over 50 billion dollars annually on weight loss products. So if anything you could buy really made you lose weight fast, would this many people still be overweight?

So what are some fast way to lose weight?

You have to burn off that fat. Nothing else works. Meaning, you have to use more calories that you consume. The faster you burn them off, the faster you will lose weight. It really is that simple. Let me give you an example of super fast weight loss:

Several years ago there was a a cable documentary about a man that lost fourteen pounds in around twelve hours. How? He swam the English Channel. Since he didn't eat while swimming, his body had no choice but to use fat stores for energy. Calories consumed as energy depends on the person and the activity. In his case, around 49,000 calories of energy were consumed from fat in twelve hours.

Now note I'm not saying you should try this. This guy was is really good shape. As a matter of fact, he put those extra pounds on intentionally, because he knew fat was going to be needed for energy. I'm just providing an example of how fast weight loss can work in the "real" world.

If you want to lose weight quickly, you can do something similar, just not so extreme. The first thing you need to do is change as many weight gain habits as possible over to weight loss habits. The more habits you change, the faster the weight will be burned off. If you don't have any interest in giving up double cheese supreme pizzas or going running instead of sitting on the sofa- then you're wasting your time. You have to burn off as many calories as you can- while you reduce the calories that are coming in [without going overboard and throwing your body into survival mode].

So don't try to starve yourself and don't go on a special diet. [Dieting is just another useless trap that has been PROVEN not to work. Just eat more foods that fill you up with far fewer calories, like fruits and veggies. To lose weight as fast, easily, and safely as possible- you need to keep an eye on calorie density. This just means instead of filling up on Big Macs, you fill up on healthy natural fibrous foods like fruits and veggies, along with other natural foods that are low in carbs and high in protein like cold water fish, lean meats, eggs, etc.

Don't go overboard and cut out carbs, your body needs carbs for energy. However, it does NOT need the man made carbs that come in cake, candy, donuts, chips, sodas, energy drinks, etc. You are trying to burn fat for fuel. If you fill up on junk food, your body will NEVER tap into your fat stores for fuel.

So eat natural carbs, just keep an eye on them while you are in fast weight loss mode. Here's my best how to lose weight fast [] tips:

Do not drink colas [even diet] sport drinks, or energy drinks. These are filled with carbs that keep you from tapping into your fat stores. Milk is also loaded with carbs in the form of lactose- a sugar. If you want to drop weight as quickly as possible, stick to water or tea [no coffee].

Eat your natural carbs early in the day. That way you have the entire day to burn them off.

Eat NO carbs after around 6 PM- especially the carbs in junk food- or bread and pasta.

Do some cardio before you go to bed, this way you burn off any left over carbs and don't store them as fat when your metabolism slows way down as you sleep.

Do at least a 20 minute cardio workout first thing in the morning on a empty stomach- or with a very small amount of protein, say 25 grams max. Then wait about an hour before you eat. If you can, don't sit down for that hour. Then eat nothing but protein- like eggs or lean meat- for breakfast. Do you see why this fast fat loss tip works so well? You wake up with no fuel in your system, so when you get active, your body has no choice but to burn fat for fuel.

If you want to make weight loss as fast as possible, let food do the work for you. Eat unprocessed foods and three or four natural snacks a day. When you go to have your main meals, eat bulky and fibrous foods first- like fruits and veggies. This way you get full before you eat too many calories- and the more calories you eat, the more you have to burn off.

Be careful and use your common sense. In my humble opinion, talk to your doctor first. Tell him / her what you have in mind. Your doctor knows your health history better than me, and will able to give you specific advise on how many calories you can safely cut back on- and how much physical activity you can tolerate without hurting yourself.

So yes, there are fast ways to lose weight. However diet products sold by the giant weight loss industry are not one of them. You have to burn off more calories than you consume- nothing else works.

If you read this and just thought "whoa- this sounds like a lot of work. I don't know if I can do all this" all I can tell you is this:

It's all in the habits. The more weight gain habits you change over to weight loss habits, the faster you will lose weight.

Sure, I could tell you that I lost 30 pounds in thirty days by using Acai berry, hoodia, a patch, or a colon cleanse.

But that would be a lie.

Gaining control of your weight habits can change your entire life so much, that I'd rather die poor than to lie to you. Know why? Because I know that if you buy a fast weight loss shortcut, it won't work. Then you might give up on losing weight- permanently.

I don't want that to happen.

If you don't like what you just read, bookmark this page and come back when you're ready. I promise seeing your habits as they are and changing them can transform your life and future in ways you can't begin to imagine.

There's no secret lose weight really fast tips, it's all the common sense things that I just told you about- that work in the real world.

It's nothing you won't be able to learn too. Fast weight loss is just like trying to learn any new skill, like swimming. The slowest and most frustrating part in the very beginning. After that, it's easy, and you have a skill that will serve you the rest of your life.

I write about honest health, fitness, and weight loss solutions. Everything I know about []how to lose weight quickly came from New Body New Life.

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